François Audet
Founding director and member of the scientific committee, Professor
Francois Audet is a Professor at the School of Management Sciences (ESG) at Université du Québec à Montréal and Director of the Canadian Research Institute Humanitarian Crises and Aid (OCCAH). He is also a member of the ESG’s Chair of Project Management. He has a PhD from the School of Public Administration (ENAP) which focuses on the decision-making processes of international humanitarian organizations in relation to strengthening local capacity. He has also been a visiting scholar at Harvard University’s Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research (HPCR).
Prior to embarking on his academic career, François Audet accumulated more than fifteen years of experience in humanitarian aid. He served as Head of the East African and Indian Ocean Regional Delegation for the Canadian Red Cross and as Director of Programs for CARE Canada. He also worked for several years in Latin America and Southeast Asia on behalf of CECI where he acted as the head of humanitarian aid projects. He has participated in more than a hundred humanitarian and technical support projects in Haiti, Colombia, the Horn of Africa, and the Sahel region. His research interests include new humanitarian practices, the effectiveness of humanitarian action for refugees, and Canadian development assistance policy.

Marie-Claude Savard
Scientific Director, Professor, Member of the research team :
Pratiques émergentes et courants critiques
Marie-Claude Savard is a professor researcher at UQAM’s School of Management Science and at the University of Montreal. She specializes in critical studies and management. As a PMP-accredited manager and international aid professional, she has 15 years of experience working with international organizations. Her research specializes in the localization reform and more specifically, on inter-actor power relations.
Marie-Claude Savard est professeure chercheure à la Faculté des sciences de la gestion de l’UQAM et à l’Université de Montréal. Elle se spécialise en courants critiques en management. En tant que gestionnaire accréditée PMP et professionnelle du milieu de la solidarité internationale, elle cumule une quinzaine d’années auprès d’organisations internationales. Sa recherche porte sur la localisation de l’aide et plus spécifiquement sur les rapports de pouvoir interacteurs.

Barbara Gandemer
Scientific Coordinator, Communications Manager, M.Sc. Candidate
Barbara Gandemer is a second-year master’s student at the School of Management Sciences at UQAM, in the research track. During more than 11 years of professional experience in multimedia graphic project management, she collaborated with various professionals, ranging from screenwriters to programmers, while maintaining close ties with clients. This multidisciplinary approach allowed her to work in teams to design innovative strategic solutions, while also strengthening her organizational and communication skills. Building on this significant experience, Barbara decided to return to university to further her knowledge in project management. Her academic journey has sparked a growing interest in exploring intersectional issues in the evaluation of international aid projects, a theme she wishes to pursue in her doctoral studies by leveraging the link between EDI and Edgar Morin’s concept of reliance.
Comité scientifique
Le comité scientifique est composé du directeur scientifique, du directeur général, de la directrice adjointe, de la coordonnatrice scientifique et des membres suivants. Selon les besoins et en fonction des projets de l’OCCAH, ce comité se réunit minimum trois fois par année.

Olivier Arvisais
Member of the Scientific Committee, Professor
Olivier Arvisais is a Professor at UQAM’s Faculty of Education and OCCAH’s scientific director. His research focuses on two axes: the didactics of social sciences at the elementary and secondary level, and education within emergency situations. Professor Arvisais is currently conducting research on education in refugee camps, child protection through socioemotional learning and education within contexts of armed conflict and totalitarian proto-states. As a researcher, he regularly serves as a consultant for several international organizations, including the educational sector of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR).

Marie-Pierre Leroux
Member of the Scientific Committee, Professor
Marie-Pierre Leroux is a Professor at UQAM’s School of Management Sciences (ESG) and a member of OCCAH’s scientific committee. She is also the co-director of the strategic human resources management axis of ESG’s Project Management Research Chair. Marie-Pierre holds a PhD in industrial relations, and her research interests are centered around two primary areas: 1) the management and sharing of knowledge, 2) strategic management of human resources within the context of projects. She is interested in the determinants that contribute to the efficiency of managers and project teams, in demonstrating the impact of human factors (such as personality, capacity for assimilation, intercultural and relational competencies) and relational factors (confidence, communication, power, subjectivity and reflexivity) on project success and organizational capacity.

Caroline Coulombe
Membre du comité scientifique, professeure-chercheure
Caroline Coulombe est professeure à L’ESG UQAM depuis 2013, docteure en management d’une double diplomation entre HEC Montréal (Canada) et l’EM Lyon (France). Ces deux écoles de commerce se situent parmi les 30 meilleures écoles au monde et ont permis d’allier la perspective positiviste nord-américaine aux courants critiques européens. Une réelle valeur ajoutée pour accompagner les organisations dans leurs différents processus managériaux humains et organisationnels. Caroline a par ailleurs obtenu sa maitrise en psychologie industrielle de New York University (NYU). Sa spécialisation en comportement organisationnel est devenue depuis plus de 15 ans le cœur de sa pratique auprès des organisations et de ses intérêts de recherche. Les liens entre les individus, les équipes et les organisations à travers les thèmes de profils de compétences, du leadership, des pratiques de management, de la gestion de crise et de la communication forment la base de ses intérêts de recherche et des formations auprès des cadres et gestionnaires

Yannick Hémond
Membre du comité scientifique, professeur-chercheur
Yannick Hémond est professeur en résilience, risque et catastrophes au département de géographie de l’UQAM depuis 2019. Il détient un doctorat en génie industriel de Polytechnique Montréal. Il est également certifié Associate Member of Business continuity Institute et Facilitateur Lego© Serious Play™. Ses intérêts de recherche couvrent la gestion des risques, la gestion des catastrophes ainsi que la résilience des organisations. L’objectif étant de développer des outils pour accompagner les gestionnaires dans la prise de décision et l’évaluation de la capacité de leur organisation à fonctionner dans un environnement incertain.